iOS 8.4.1 Release: Everything You Need to Know is a post by Adam Mills from Gotta Be Mobile.
Apple still isn’t saying much about the iOS 8.4.1 update that’s expected to arrive ahead of the iOS 9 release date this fall. With a release up in the air, we want to take a look at some new details and everything we think we know about what should be Apple’s last iOS 8 update.
In June, Apple confirmed an iOS 8.4 update for June 30th. Right on cue, the company rolled out an iOS 8.4 update complete with revamped music application, changes to iBooks, and some key bug fixes to help stabilize the iPhone and iPad ahead of the iOS 9 release.
Shortly after iOS 8.4’s arrival, Apple confirmed an iOS 8.4.1 release. The update, first confirmed in July, is currently in Apple’s beta program for developers. The company’s latest iOS 8.4.1 beta, iOS 8.4.1 beta 2, arrived on July 30th.
The update is still a bit mysterious given the barren change log and lack of concrete release details. And as we’ve noted many times, we’re not expecting Apple to announce anything major in the buildup to the iOS 8.4.1 update’s release. It’s just not the company’s style.
Apple’s been quiet about iOS 8.4.1 and iOS 9 but we’ve seen several new pieces of information emerge in recent days including details that’ve helped us narrow the iOS 8.4.1 release window.
We recently look a look at everything there is to know right now about iOS 9 and today we want to take a look at the iOS 8.4.1 release and tell you about a few things you absolutely must know about it as we head deeper into the month of August.
Apple's Using A Predictable Release Pattern |
This week could be an important one for iOS 8.4.1 beta testers, and perhaps, iPhone and iPad users around the world. See, Apple's been sticking to a pretty predictable beta release pattern this summer. iOS 9 betas have arrived about two weeks after one another. We also saw Apple put a two week gap between the first iOS 8.4.1 beta and the second iOS 8.4.1 beta that arrived in late July. iOS 8.4.1 beta 2 arrived 11 days ago which means that a new iOS 8.4.1 beta release, or perhaps a public release, could be getting very close. It's clear to us that Apple isn't going to confirm beta release dates or an iOS 8.4.1 release date ahead of time which means that the iOS 8.4.1 release date could emerge at any time. This is why we recommend getting a jump start on your prep work now so that you're prepared when Apple quietly pushes out what should be its last iOS 8.4.1 update. Nothing is confirmed but we wouldn't be surprised if we saw movement in the near future. Either an iOS 8.4.1 beta 3 or a release. |
iOS 8.4.1 Release: Everything You Need to Know is a post by Adam Mills from Gotta Be Mobile.
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