6 New Xbox One & PS4 Games Coming in August 2015

lundi 3 août 2015

6 New Xbox One & PS4 Games Coming in August 2015 is a post by Travis Pope from Gotta Be Mobile.

There were some pretty slow weeks in gaming recently. We kicked off the summer with a few high-profile titles. Xbox One & PS4 games line-ups included Batman Arkham Knight back in June. Batman kept June from being too boring, but July was pretty quiet on the gaming front. What new games did arrive weren’t technically new. They were remastered, refreshed versions of games already available to users before.

The list of August, Wii U, Xbox One & PS4 games isn’t that extensive. With the slow summer months nearly behind us, we expect video game developers and publishers to begin detailing their titles in full ahead of the fall shopping season. August has an almost overwhelming number of remakes and rehashes, but there’s something new to experience too.

There are many games available on both the PS4 and Xbox One.

Madden 16 will lead the sports genre into a new year of releases. Microsoft’s Rare Replay and Gears of War Ultimate Edition will act as celebratory releases for some of the greatest franchises in gaming. PS4 games aren’t in abundance, but there is Until Dawn, an upgrade to the PS3 game that some users loved the first time around.

Here are the Wii U, Xbox One & PS4 games coming during the month of August in order of their release.

Rare Replay for Xbox One - August 4th

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Rare Replay for Xbox One - August 4th

Debuting on August 4th is Rare Replay. As its name suggests, this game isn’t a new title for Microsoft’s Xbox One console. No, instead it’s a massive remake of classic games created by Rare, a studio Microsoft now owns. This year marks Rare’s 30th birthday as a studio.

Rare Replay, has titles going all the way back to 1983. Jetpac, Lunar Jetman, R.C. Pro-Am, Battletaods, Killer Instinct Gold, Perfect Dark and Banjo Kazooie are among the titles included in the compilation. In total there are 30 different titles included with the game for $30. In total there is 10,0000 in Gamerscore to be earned, though Xbox 360 achievements do carry over.

[ Purchase Rare Replay from the Xbox Store ]

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Good luck choosing between these Xbox One and PS4 games coming during the month of August. Expect even more in September as we gear up for Destiny: The Taken King, Forza 6 and other big-name releases.

6 New Xbox One & PS4 Games Coming in August 2015 is a post by Travis Pope from Gotta Be Mobile.

6 New Xbox One & PS4 Games Coming in August 2015

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