Fallout 4 Amazon Bundle: 5 Things to Know

mardi 4 août 2015

Fallout 4 Amazon Bundle: 5 Things to Know is a post by Adam Mills from Gotta Be Mobile.

As we push towards the fall we continue to see new and important Fallout 4 release details for Xbox One, PS4 and PC emerge. Today, a new bundle has emerged and we want to take a look at everything you need to know about the Fallout 4 Amazon Bundle release.

In June, Bethesda took the stage at E3 2015 and debuted Fallout 4 for PS4, Xbox One and PC. The game is a follow-up to Fallout 3 and it will be coming out for all three platforms on November 10th.

In the weeks since the initial announcement we’ve seen a slew of new Fallout 4 release details emerge including gameplay details, Fallout 4 deals, and an assortment of Fallout 4 bundles that package the game with some items of interest.


Bethesda’s Fallout 4 Pip Boy Edition bundle sold out shortly after its arrival though there are several other Fallout 4 bundles that are still on sale through various retailers around the world. And with months to go before the game’s release, it was only a matter of time before another Fallout 4 bundle revealed itself to those looking to pre-order.

Today, we’ve spotted a new Fallout 4 bundle lurking on Amazon. It’s not the Fallout 4 Pip Boy Edition but it’s still a nice option for those who want something extra out of their Fallout 4 pre-order.

With a Fallout 4 Amazon Bundle confirmed, we take a look at what you need to know about its release date, its price, and more.

Fallout 4 Amazon Bundle

The Fallout 4 Amazon Bundle is the latest Fallout 4 Bundle and it comes with a couple of items that should be of interest to those who are huge fans of the Fallout series.

Amazon’s Fallout 4 Bundle features a copy of the game, an 80 page coffee table book that outlines the history of the Fallout series, and a copy of the Fallout 4 soundtrack. Of these, the coffee table book is probably the most interesting.


An earlier description of the book describes it as a “80 page hardcover coffee table style book detailing in words and hi-res imagery the history of Fallout over the years.” It’s not a Pip Boy but it’s still a very interesting accessory to the game.

Fallout 4 Bundle for PS4, Xbox One & PC

While some Fallout bundles have been limited in their scope, the Fallout 4 Amazon Bundle is available for all three platforms. That means those of you with a PS4, Xbox One or Windows PC can pre-order Amazon’s bundle ahead of its release date.

At this point, there only appears to be one difference between the three Fallout 4 Amazon Bundles and that’s the price tag.

Fallout 4 Amazon Bundle Release Date

Like the other Fallout 4 Amazon bundles, the Fallout 4 Amazon Bundle release date is set for November 10th, or, the same day that Bethesda will release Fallout 4 for PS4, Xbox One and PC. The release date is the same for the PC, Xbox One and PS4 versions of the bundle.

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While we don’t expect this to be another Fallout 4 Pip Boy Edition, it’s not clear how much stock Amazon will have in the buildup to the game’s arrival. The retailer doesn’t label it as a limited edition so it could be that that it remains in stock before and after Fallout 4’s arrival.

Fallout 4 Amazon Bundle is Limited

At this point, the Fallout 4 Amazon Bundle is limited to Amazon in the United Kingdom. It’s not clear if the bundle will make it out of the United Kingdom. It has yet to appear on Amazon for the United States.

The website doesn’t list this bundle as an exclusive for the United Kingdom which leaves the door open for an arrival on other versions of Amazon. With months to go before the Fallout 4 release date, there’s certainly a chance that Amazon offers bundles in other parts of the world.

Fallout 4 Amazon Bundle Price

The Fallout 4 Amazon Bundle is a little more expensive than the regular version of Fallout 4.

The Xbox One and PS4 Amazon Bundles will cost £59.99. By comparison, Amazon is charging £42.85 for a singular copy of the game. The PC version of the game is a little cheaper.

Amazon will be charging £49.99 for its PC Fallout 4 bundle. The price difference makes sense because Amazon is only charging £35.99 for a copy of Fallout 4 for PC.

PC Fallout 4 Release: 10 Important Details

PC Fallout 4 Deals

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PC Fallout 4 Deals

The Fallout 4 release for PC is still weeks and weeks away but we're already seeing tempting Fallout 4 deals emerge. The best Fallout 4 deals probably won't arrive until after the Fallout 4 release date but there are a few that're worth looking at right now. 

Best Buy is still offering 20% off the game if you join its Gamers Club Unlocked program. The program isn't for everyone and it does require a membership fee but it might be worth it if you pre-order a ton of games or frequently shop at Best Buy. 

The retailer also has another Fallout 4 deal going on. If you join the My Best Buy program, you will get $10 in rewards just by pre-ordering the game. This is a nice little perk if you do a lot of your shopping at the retailer.

Amazon is offering $7 off Fallout 4 to Amazon Prime members. That drops the price down to $57 including tax. That's not a huge discount but it's one of the only price cuts that we've seen in recent weeks. 

The retailer is also offering some discounts on Fallout 4 accessories. Amazon is offering The Art of Fallout 4 for 13% off its usual price. and it's also featuring price cuts on Prima Games' official Fallout 4 strategy guides including the collectors edition.

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Fallout 4 Amazon Bundle: 5 Things to Know is a post by Adam Mills from Gotta Be Mobile.

Fallout 4 Amazon Bundle: 5 Things to Know

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