Best iOS 8.4 Cydia Tweaks is a post by Craig Lloyd from Gotta Be Mobile.
An iOS 8.4 jailbreak was released earlier this week to much excitement from the jailbreaking community. Here are the best iOS 8.4 Cydia tweaks that you should have installed on your iPhone or iPad right now.
The past week or so has been fairly busy for jailbreakers. An iOS 8.3 jailbreak was first released last week and received a few updates over the next few days following, mostly adding Cydia support and fixing some other lingering bugs.
However, iOS 8.4 released earlier this week and just a couple of hours after that, TaiG updated its jailbreak tool to work with iOS 8.4, essentially creating an iOS 8.4 jailbreak for iPhones and iPads.
While there are still a small handful of tweaks that have yet to be updated for iOS 8.4, most popular Cydia tweaks are compatible with the latest version of iOS. Plus, any tweaks that aren’t yet compatible will likely receive updates in the near future.
If you’re new to jailbreaking and need some Cydia tweaks to get you started, here are some of the best iOS 8.4 Cydia tweaks that you can install right now.
Springtomize 3
This is perhaps one of the biggest Cydia tweaks available, and it’s one that every jailbreaker should have installed.
Springtomize 3 was recently updated to support iOS 8.4, and while it still has a few lingering bugs, its functionality is mostly stable. The tweak lets you do a bunch of different stuff, like change around the look and feel of certain elements, hide icons, speed up the animations, and even put more app icons in the dock.
The only big bug I’ve discovered so far is that changing anything around in the status bar will make the time disappear in the status bar, but there should be quick fix for this a future update soon enough.
If you’re all about automation or creating shortcuts for certain actions, Activator is the tweak to get. You can do things like change songs using the volume buttons, triple-click the home button to open up a frequent app, and set up all sorts of swipe gestures.
You can also automate certain tasks, like disabling vibration whenever you have your iPhone unlocked or put your device in airplane mode during sleeping hours.
The possibilities are endless with Activator, and while it does require a bit of a learning curve, once you understand the basics, you can begin to create all sorts of cool actions.
Activator is currently in beta, but it’s actually fairly stable and can be installed by adding the “” repo to Cydia.
You may not realize it, but that bright screen may be causing eye strain and even messing up your sleep cycle. The bright blue hue that display emit can affect your sleep, especially if you use devices right before bed, but F.lux is a Cydia tweak that aims to fix this.
Essentially, F.lux gets rid of that harsh blue hue in favor for a warmer color temperature that’s easier on the eyes at night.
As with Activator, F.lux is currently in beta form as far as iOS 8.4 compatibility is concerned, but it’s fairly stable and I haven’t run into any bugs. You can install it by adding the “; repo to Cydia and then searching for “f.lux”.
A new feature in iOS 9 changes the uppercase letters in the iOS 8 keyboard to lowercase when typing in lowercase, but for iOS 8 users it can still get a bit confusing as to whether or not you have caps lock on.
However, a tweak called ShowCase enables this feature in iOS 8.4, by only showing uppercase letters when the shift key is activated. Otherwise, you’ll see lowercase letters, which makes it much easier to see which letter case you’re in.
Whenever you receive a notification on your iPhone while you’re using it, that big banner that appears at the top of the screen can sometimes get in the way of what you’re doing.
However, TinyBar is a tweak that condenses those banners into a single line that only takes up the space that the status bar occupies, which means that when you get a notification while you’re using your iPhone, the banner won’t get in the way, but it will still show you the notification in its entirety.
It’s perhaps a tweak that isn’t for everyone, but it’s certainly a tweak that’s so well implemented, I’m surprised it isn’t a default feature in iOS.
When you go to shut off your iPhone, you’re only given one option: to power off your device. Wouldn’t it be great if you had the option to reboot your iPhone as well?
BetterPowerDown is a simple Cydia tweak that adds a reboot option and a respring option to the power down menu when you long-press the power/sleep button on your iPhone or iPad. Most of the time, when I access the power down menu, it’s because I want to reboot my iPhone anyway, so adding this option helps out a lot.
Best iOS 8.4 Cydia Tweaks is a post by Craig Lloyd from Gotta Be Mobile.
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