How to Transfer Spotify Playlists to Apple Music is a post by Josh Smith from Gotta Be Mobile.
This guide will show you how to transfer Spotify playlists to Apple Music and how to quickly create a new Apple Music playlist with that music. If you follow the directions completely you’ll end up with Spotify playlists imported into Apple Music without waiting for Apple to create a Spotify to Apple Music tool.
To move your Spotify playlists to Apple Music you will need to use a three-step process that will take some time, but it is faster than recreating playlists manually if you own a lot of Spotify playlists that you carefully created.
Read: Apple Music Tips
If you live and die by your playlists, this tool is essential in switching from Spotify to Apple Music. You can try this out on 10 songs in a playlist, but you will not be able to use full playlists until you buy the full version of the app for about $5 USD.
How to transfer Spotify playlists to Apple Music — a complete guide.
Here is a three-step process to add your Spotify playlists to Apple Music and then create Apple Music playlists from those songs. You’ll need to use all three steps as the Spotify to Apple Music Playlist tool does not actually create a playlist and the Spotify connect feature pulls in all of your music, not just the playlists.
If you only need to move your Spotify music to Apple Music, you can use the second step, but most users will want to use this solution to transfer Spotify playlists to Apple Music playlists. For now this is only available on Mac, but a Windows version is in the works.
Export Spotify Playlists to CSV
The first thing you need to do is export your Spotify playlists to a CSV file. This is a special file that you can open in Excel or Numbers if you want to, but basically you are creating a text version of your playlist so that you can import it into Apple Music using iTunes.
The first step is to export your Spotify playlists to transfer to Apple Music.
Go to Exportify and login with your Spotify account. Then select the playlist you want to export, or choose Export all to download a zip containing a csv file for each Spotify playlist. If you have a lot of Spotify playlists to transfer to Apple Music, use this option.
Download a csv file of each Spotify playlist you want to use in Apple Music.
Once you have the Spotify playlists on your computer, you are a third of the way to done. You can download all playlists at once, but you may want to import one playlist to Apple Music at a time over a period of days.
Import Spotify Playlists to Apple Music
The S.t.A.M.P. tool can import a csv to Apple Music. The website makes a bold claim that it can transfer Spotify playlists to Apple Music, but it is very important to know that this only transfers the playlist songs to your Apple Music library.
It does not create a new Apple Music playlist for those songs, which you will need to do manually, unless you use a smart playlist and import one new playlist a day as we outline in the next section or sort based on the date added.
Download and Open S.t.A.M.P. to start. The free version works with 10 songs in a playlist, while the paid version can handle huge playlists.
Use this tool to transfer Spotify playlists to Apple Music.
If you simply want your Spotify music in Apple Music, log in to Spotify. If you want to create playlists using a smart playlist. You should tap on CSV.
You need to allow StAMP access to control your Mac.
After you choose the CSV or Spotify account you are almost ready to start. Make sure you have iTunes open, you are subscribed to Apple Music and that you are on the For You or New tab in iTunes on your Mac.
Start the process to import your Spotify playlist to Apple Music.
When that is set up, click on Parse and then stop touching your computer until the app is done. The app will search Apple Music for the song and add it to your library, but you cannot touch the computer while this happens. The app simulates clicks and keystrokes so if you click elsewhere you will mess it up. There is a notification for each successful addition to your Apple Music library.
When it is done you will not see a new Apple Music playlist to match the Spotify playlist, but all of those songs will be in your Apple Music library.
Recreate the Spotify Playlist in Apple Music
There are two options to recreate your Spotify Playlist in Apple Music. Most users will want to use the slightly more involved process to convert the playlists to Apple Music in one day, but you can also do it spread out over a few days.
Use a smart playlist to recreate Spotify playlists in Apple Music.
If you want to quickly add those songs to a new Apple Music playlist you will need to add one playlist to Apple Music a day and then in iTunes create a new Smart Playlist that shows recently added to iTunes in the last one day.
You can then save that version of the playlist as a static playlist that matches your Spotify playlist. This is long and it is not as automated as we would like, but if you need to move long playlists it is a good option that beats manually searching each song.
You can also use the date added to recreate your Spotify playlist in Apple Music.
The other option is to import all the playlists you want to Apple Music and then click on My Music. Right click on the columns and add Date Added. Sort by Date added which goes down to the minute so that you have the songs you added in order. Then highlight the songs you need to add to the new playlist and add them. Repeat for the rest of your Spotify playlists.
Is this a perfect way to move your Spotify playlists to Apple Music playlists? Not really, but it does beat typing in the song titles for 4,000 tracks manually.
How to Transfer Spotify Playlists to Apple Music is a post by Josh Smith from Gotta Be Mobile.
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