Which Jailbreak Tweaks Work with iOS 8.4?

jeudi 2 juillet 2015

Which Jailbreak Tweaks Work with iOS 8.4? is a post by Craig Lloyd from Gotta Be Mobile.

An iOS 8.4 jailbreak was released earlier this week, and if you’re wondering what jailbreak tweaks work with the latest version, here’s what you should know.

As with any new jailbreak that releases, one thing that becomes a waiting game is seeing which jailbreak tweaks will work and which ones don’t.

It’s been a busy couple of weeks for the jailbreaking community, with an iOS 8.3 jailbreak releasing early last week and receiving a few updates since then. However, an iOS 8.4 jailbreak was released earlier this week just a couple of hours after the iOS 8.4 update itself was launched to the public.

This makes it one of the quickest jailbreak releases we’ve ever seen, which isn’t too surprising to see with iOS 8.4, as the update didn’t patch up any exploits from iOS 8.3, so it was an easy job for TaiG to jailbreak iOS 8.4 by simply updating its jailbreak tool to support the latest version.


However, jailbreak tweaks didn’t receive the same treatment. Just like how TaiG needed to update its jailbreak tool for iOS 8.4, tweak developers need to do the same thing for their jailbreak tweaks.

If you’re thinking about jailbreaking your iPhone or iPad on iOS 8.4 and are wondering what jailbreak tweaks work with the latest jailbreak, here’s what you need to know.

Jailbreak Tweaks That Work with iOS 8.4

This is perhaps the biggest thing that you’ve been worried about with the iOS 8.4 jailbreak. What jailbreak tweaks work with iOS 8.4? All that depends on whether or not you can take full advantage of the jailbreak on your iPhone or iPad.


Luckily, most jailbreak tweaks available work with iOS 8.4, some of which didn’t even need an update from the developer. That’s mostly because of how the tweak was coded, or Apple simply didn’t change the code for that particular section of iOS that the tweak deals with.

Many jailbreak tweaks are like this, and even if the tweak mostly works on a newer version of iOS, developers usually go ahead and update it anyway to fix any minor bugs. Most smaller jailbreak tweaks are like this, since there’s not as much code involved, so they usually work without a problem on a new version of iOS.

Jailbreak Tweaks That Don’t Work with iOS 8.4 Yet

Where you start to have problems with tweak compatibility is with larger jailbreak tweaks and apps, and we’re seeing that a lot with the iOS 8.4 jailbreak, as well as the iOS 8.3 jailbreak that was released last week.

For example, Springtomize didn’t work for the iOS 8.3 jailbreak when it released, but it received an update to work on iOS 8.4 earlier this week. However, users are still reporting issues with the tweak even after the latest update.


Springtomize is one of the biggest jailbreak tweaks available, allowing users to change around all sorts of stuff in iOS and customize various aspects. It’s really no surprise that the tweak is having issues with the new version of iOS.

Furthermore, popular tweaks like F.lux and Activator aren’t yet fully updated to work with iOS 8.4. However, both tweaks have beta versions available that work with the latest version of iOS, but as with any beta software, you’re more likely to experience bugs and other trouble. It may best to stay away from these until a stable version releases that works with iOS 8.4.

However, I’ve been noticing that jailbreak tweaks in their beta stages are actually pretty stable to begin with, so this is something that you can decide for yourself, but if you’re pretty experienced with jailbreaks in the first place, there’s no harm in trying out the beta versions, especially if you can’t live without those tweaks.

For a more thorough list of jailbreak tweaks that work and don’t work with iOS 8.4, check out this Google Drive spreadsheet.

Which Jailbreak Tweaks Work with iOS 8.4? is a post by Craig Lloyd from Gotta Be Mobile.

Which Jailbreak Tweaks Work with iOS 8.4?

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