Galaxy Note 3 Lollipop Release: 5 Things to Know Now is a post by Adam Mills from Gotta Be Mobile.
With the month of April coming to a close and Android 5.0 Lollipop update details continuing to swirl, we want to take a look at the most important things Samsung Galaxy Note 3 users need to know about the Galaxy Note 3 Android 5.0 Lollipop release.
April has been an extremely busy month for Samsung and its carrier partners. The company released two brand new flagships in the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge and its also been pushing a number of Android 5.0 Lollipop updates to its former flagship phones and tablets.
We’ve seen the Samsung Galaxy S5 Lollipop update make solid progress. We’ve seen the Galaxy Note 4 and Galaxy Note Edge Lollipop updates push out to users all over the globe. The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Lollipop update has finished up in the United States. Even the Samsung Galaxy S4 Lollipop release has been gaining steam.
In particular, the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Lollipop release has been picking up pace as we push through the month of April toward the summer. We’ve seen a flurry of new updates roll out and we’ve seen several new release details arrive for owners of the aging phone. Samsung’s been pushing updates rapid fire and we want to make sure that you’re caught up to speed as we move into a new month.
Today, we take a look at the progress of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Lollipop update as we outline the most recent and the most important details that’ve emerged in the past four weeks.
Galaxy Note 3 Lollipop Update Moving Along
The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Lollipop update is humming along. In the United States, all five Galaxy Note 3 carriers including AT&T and Verizon have updated their models with Android 5.0 Lollipop. U.S. Cellular rolled out its Galaxy Note 3 Lollipop update a few days ago, the last US carrier to do so. Owners can check for these updates in the device’s settings.
Samsung’s been busy outside of the United States as well and we’ve seen a number of updates push out in the past two weeks. The company’s Galaxy Note 3 Lollipop update recently pushed out for users in Germany, Switzerland, Poland, and Russia. There’s still plenty of work left to do but April was extremely kind to the Note 3.
We haven’t seen many carriers confirm details ahead of time but we do expect May to be a busy month for the Galaxy Note 3. Samsung hasn’t said anything but it’s clear that we’re finally in the thick of the Note 3’s roll out.
Owners of international Galaxy Note 3 models will want to keep an eye out for carrier-specific information. Samsung has a tendency to keep a low profile during its roll outs and specific information typically comes from carriers themselves.
Plenty of Updates Still Missing
The Galaxy Note 3 Lollipop update has made great strides but there are still plenty of carriers that remain silent about their plans for the Galaxy Note 3 Lollipop update. This doesn’t mean that they won’t release the update but what it does mean is that the releases are probably weeks or perhaps even months out.
International carriers like Vodafone and Telstra in Australia typically confirm updates once they reach the carrier testing phase. They, and plenty of other carriers, haven’t confirmed anything. At least not yet.
The testing process can be extremely unpredictable and we’ve already seen several Galaxy-bound Lollipop updates hit snags behind the scenes. The same could happen to the Galaxy Note 3. We’ll continue to keep users updated in the month of May which again figures to be extremely busy for Galaxy Note 3 carriers around the world.
Galaxy Note 3 Neo Lollipop Update
The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo, a niche version of the Galaxy Note 3, hasn’t seen its Android 5.0 Lollipop update and it’s still not clear when it might roll out to users.
In late March, Samsung France confirmed a Galaxy Note 3 Neo Lollipop update. At the time, the company said that the update would be rolled out sometime over the “course of the year.” The information was intentionally vague because everything depends on the testing process.
We haven’t seen Samsung France or anyone else provide any updates so Galaxy Note 3 Neo users will need to remain patient as Samsung works to get the update ready for public consumption.
Galaxy Note 3 Problems & Bug Fixes
As the Galaxy Note 3 Lollipop roll out grows in size, so do the complaints about the software. In the past month, we’ve seen and heard a ton of complaints about Galaxy Note 3 Lollipop problems. While there are third-party fixes available, bug fixes for US variants are nowhere in sight.
It is, however, encouraging to see Samsung roll out bug fix updates for devices like the Galaxy S4. It means that we could see it roll out bug fixes for the Galaxy Note 3 (and perhaps, the Galaxy Note 3 Neo as well) down the road.
Remember, bug fix updates are unpredictable and random so Galaxy Note 3 users will want to keep an eye and an ear out as we move from April to May. Those that can’t wait will want to take a look at our fixes for common Galaxy Note 3 problems.
Android 5.1 Lollipop
We still don’t have a read on bug fixes for users in and outside of the United States but we do have a read on Samsung’s next big project. Samsung is working on an Android 5.1 Lollipop update.
Samsung’s next version of Lollipop is all but confirmed for the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge and there’s a chance that it will roll out to devices like the Galaxy Note 3 down the road. We haven’t heard anything specific for the Galaxy Note 3 but it’s still an update that Galaxy Note 3 users should be paying attention to as we move out of the month of April.
First off, there’s a good chance that it will come with bug fixes for Lollipop problems. More importantly, it appears that Samsung is tacking on a Guest Mode feature that allows Galaxy users to setup several unique profiles. This is important for those that share their phone with their kids, family members or with friends and co-workers.
It’s not clear when Samsung plans to start pushing the update in force but that should become clearer as we push into the summer.
Galaxy Note 3 Lollipop Release: 5 Things to Know Now is a post by Adam Mills from Gotta Be Mobile.
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