Is the Apple Watch Worth Losing Your Jailbreak?

mardi 28 avril 2015

Is the Apple Watch Worth Losing Your Jailbreak? is a post by Craig Lloyd from Gotta Be Mobile.

The Apple Watch is officially upon us, and if you have a jailbroken iPhone, is it worth losing your jailbreak in order to use the Apple Watch?

The Apple Watch is now available to consumers, and while you can’t quite buy it in Apple Stores just yet, many of those who pre-ordered the new smartwatch are starting to find them on their doorsteps.

However, Apple Watch users are required to have at least iOS 8.2 installed in order to use the Apple Watch on their devices, but the unfortunate news is that you can’t be jailbroken and use the Apple Watch at the same time currently, since iOS 8.2 and iOS 8.3 aren’t jailbroken yet.

This why you’ll need to unjailbreak your iPhone if you want to use the Apple Watch, or you can wait it out and hope that an iOS 8.3 jailbreak gets released sooner rather than later.

However, if you’re having trouble deciding what to do, here are some things to keep in mind that may make the decision-making process a bit easier for you.

Jailbreak vs Apple Watch

The latest version of iOS that’s jailbreakable is iOS 8.1.2, but sadly the Apple Watch isn’t compatible with that version. Instead, users will need to upgrade to iOS 8.3 in order to take advantage of the Apple Watch.



The bad news here is that you’ll lose all of your jailbreaking abilities and all the tweaks that came with it (and there are some pretty awesome jailbreak tweaks to be had). However, the good news is that you’ll be able to use that fancy new Apple Watch.

However, if you’re having trouble deciding on whether or not to lose your jailbreak so that you can get the Apple Watch, here are some things to consider.

You May Not Have to Choose

Since the Apple Watch is back-ordered into oblivion, it’s possible that an iOS 8.3 jailbreak could release before you’d even be able to get your hands on your own Apple Watch. Thus, you wouldn’t have to choose whether or not to lose your jailbreak.

Of course, it’s very possible that jailbreak developers may wait until iOS 8.4 is released before releasing a new jailbreak, which could be a month or two from now, depending on what Apple’s release plan is with the upcoming update.


However, the Apple Watch won’t even be available in Apple Stores until June at some point, and if you order an Apple Watch online right now, it won’t even arrive on your doorstep until June anyway.

It’s possible that iOS 8.4 will release around that time frame (maybe even closer to Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference, which takes place in early June). Once it releases, jailbreak developers could get to work and an iOS 8.4 jailbreak could release before you’d even receive your back-ordered Apple Watch.

It’s a Gut Feeling

If you’re having trouble deciding between getting an Apple Watch or keeping your jailbreak, consider this: If you’re willing to shell over several hundreds of dollars to get an Apple Watch, chances are you’ll have no problem losing your jailbreak.

Apple watch Surprises - - 1

Plus, it’s not like you’ll never get to jailbreak your iPhone ever again. A new jailbreak will release at some point. It always does when a new version of iOS releases. It may not be anytime soon or it certainly could be — there’s no telling at this point, but jailbreak developers have always come through with a new jailbreak when a new version of iOS releases.

Another thing to keep in mind is that if you’re seriously questioning yourself over whether or not you should keep your jailbreak or lose it and get an Apple Watch, perhaps an Apple Watch isn’t something you really actually want. Too many times we buy things on impulse and later regret it (a.k.a. buyer’s remorse).

If you’re really wanting to keep your jailbreak that badly, then perhaps skipping the Apple Watch is the best decision in the long run. Plus, you can always buy one in the future when a jailbreak eventually releases for iOS 8.3 or iOS 8.4.

Is the Apple Watch Worth Losing Your Jailbreak? is a post by Craig Lloyd from Gotta Be Mobile.

Is the Apple Watch Worth Losing Your Jailbreak?

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