iOS 8.4 Jailbreak Release: 3 Things to Know is a post by Craig Lloyd from Gotta Be Mobile.
As expected, iOS 8.4 was released today, and with it comes an updated jailbreak, but not from TaiG. Another Chinese dev team known as PP has released an iOS 8.4 jailbreak. Here are some things you should know about it.
An iOS 8.4 jailbreak has been up in the air ever since the iOS 8.3 jailbreak was released just recently. However, it seemed to be a pretty safe bet that we would see an iOS 8.4 jailbreak become available once the update was released by Apple.
That safe bet has paid off, as an iOS 8.4 jailbreak was released today. iOS 8.4 is the latest version of iOS 8 and it’s likely the last major update to iOS 8 that we’ll see, as Apple will focus their future efforts on iOS 9.
iOS 8.4 comes with the usual bug fixes and performance improvements, but it also comes with Apple Music, which is the company’s new music streaming service that will take on Spotify, Pandora, and other similar services on the market. Apple Music is only available to iOS 8.4 users.
If you’re interested in the iOS 8.4 jailbreak, here are three things to know.
iOS 8.4 Jailbreak Stolen
While it doesn’t affect the release of the iOS 8.4 jailbreak, many users might be interested in knowing that it’s been claimed that PP stole the jailbreak tool from TaiG.
With that said, the jailbreak release from PP still works fine (you can download it here) and users can upgrade to iOS 8.4 right now and jailbreak, but if you’d rather wait until TaiG releases their jailbreak tool, it will be released very soon later today.
Again, it probably doesn’t really matter which tool you use, as the PP tool works just fine, but if you want to use the official one, waiting for TaiG to update their jailbreak tool is probably your best bet. TaiG created the jailbreak tool, and it’s not stolen. Plus, we know that there won’t be any unsavory software or backdoors included with TaiG’s jailbreak release.
Windows Only
Just like with the TaiG iOS 8.3 jailbreak, PP’s jailbreak tool and likely TaiG’s jailbreak tool are Windows only for now.
That will likely change in the future, as either PP or TaiG will release a version for Mac at some point, but this is something that users should absolutely know if they want to jailbreak their iOS devices.
Granted, you can use a Mac to run a virtual copy of Windows, but that takes a little know-how and some software knowledge that some users may not be aware of. Otherwise, if you’re on Mac, you’ll have to wait a bit for an OS X version of the jailbreak tool to release.
Jailbreak Tweaks
Before you update to the iOS 8.4 jailbreak, it’s important to know that not all jailbreak tweaks work with the latest version of iOS 8 just yet.
In fact, there are a small handful of big and popular jailbreak tweaks that aren’t yet supported, including IntelliScreenX and Springtomize. Springtomize is one of the biggest jailbreak tweaks available, and it lets you do so much with your device.
In fact, many users may want to refrain from jailbreaking their devices on iOS 8.4 until Springtomize is updated. Otherwise, there are a lot of settings and features you won’t be able to change around until Springtomize is updated for iOS 8.4.
Otherwise, most jailbreak tweaks that worked on iOS 8.1 are updated and working with the iOS 8.4 jailbreak without a problem, including some of my favorites like ShowCase, CCHide, and SwipeSelection.
For your own convenience, here’s an entire list of jailbreak tweaks that jailbreak users have reported either work or don’t work. The ones that don’t work with the iOS 8.4 jailbreak yet are listed at the bottom.
iOS 8.4 Jailbreak Release: 3 Things to Know is a post by Craig Lloyd from Gotta Be Mobile.
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